Title | Author | Publisher | Notes |
A Book of Honey (1980) | Eva Crane | Oxford Univ. Press | |
A Case of Hives (1985) | Len Heath | BBNO | |
A Manual of Beekeeping (reprint 1999) | E. B. Wedmore | BBNO | |
Anatomy and Dissection of the Honeybee | H. A. Dade | IBRA | |
Anatomy of the Honeybee (1956) | R. E. Snodgrass | Cornell Univ. Press | |
Any A-Level Biology textbook or equivalent | If available |
Any GCSE Biology textbook or equivalent | If available |
The Selection of Apiary Sites | D.A.R.G. | D.A.R.G. | |
Archaeology of Beekeeping | E. Crane | Duckworth | |
Background to Bee Breeding (1999) | J. Atkinson | NBB | |
BBKA Advisory Leaflet - 'So you wish to sell Honey' | BBKA | BBKA | |
BBKA Leaflet, Shrubs, Plants/Wild Flowers for Bees | BBKA No. 39 | |
BBKA Leaflets on various topics | Various | BBKA | |
Bees and Beekeeping | Irmgard Diemer | Merehurst | |
Bee Disease Control Orders | HMSO | HMSO | |
Bee sting Allergy | Dr H. Riches | | |
Beekeeping - A Practical Guide | Roger Patterson | Constable and Robinson | |
Beekeeping - a Seasonal Guide (1985) | R. Brown | BT Batsford | |
Beekeeping and the Law (1993) | D. Frimston, D. Smith | BBNO | |
Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey (1975/1987) | Bro. Adam | NBB | |
Beekeeping in Antiquity | Fraser | IBRA | |
Bees & Beekeeping, Science, Practice & World Resources | E. Crane | Heinemann/Newnes | |
Bees and Neighbours | BBKA | BBKA | |
Bees to the Heather | S.B. Whitehead | McMillan | |
Beeswax (1984) | Coggeshall & Morse | Wicwas Press | |
Beeswax (1995) | R. Brown | BBNO | |
Beeway Code | D.A.R.G. | D.A.R.G. | |
Better Beginnings for Beekeepers | A. Waring | BIBBA | |
Breeding Better Bees | Dews/Milner | BIBBA | |
Breeding Techniques & Selection for Breeding of the Honeybee | F. Ruttner | BIBBA | |
Bumblebees | Prys-Jones/Corbet | Richmond Pubs. | |
Central Association Leaflets (Various) | Various | Central Association | |
Communication among Social Bees | Lindauer | Harvard | |
Dance Language and Orientation of Bees | Karl von Frisch | Belknap Press | |
Bees, Their Vision,chemical sense and Language | K von Frisch | | |
Development of Chalk Brood | Len Heath | IBRA |
Elements of genetics with special reference to the bee (1981) | J. Mesquida | BIBBA | |
Encyclopaedia of Beekeeping (1985) | Hooper and Morse | Blandford | now rare |
Form and Function in the Honeybee | L. Goodman | IBRA | |
Foul Brood Disease of Honey Bees | DEFRA | | |
Garden Plants Valuable to Bees | M.F. Fountain | IBRA | |
Great Masters of Beekeeping (1994) | R. Brown | BBNO | |
Guide for Judges and Exhibitors of Honey and Bee Products | Exam Board | BBKA | |
Guide to Bees and Honey (4th. edition) (1997) | Ted Hooper | Marston House | |
Handbook of Beekeeping (1992) | Dr. H. Riches | NBB | |
History of Beekeeping in Britain | Fraser | IBRA | |
HMSO leaflets on honey, honey regulations and food safety | HMSO | FSA | |
Honey - A Comprehensive Survey (1976) | E. Crane | Heinemann | |
Honey Bee Biology | Edited by J.B. Free | Central Assn. | |
The Honey Bee inside out | Celia Davis | NBB | |
Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases, 3rd Ed 1997 | R. Morse, K. Flottum | Root | |
Honey Bees of the British Isles (1986) | B.A. Cooper | BIBBA | |
Honey Farming (1946) | R.O.B. Manley | NBB | |
Honey Identification (1988) | R. Sawyer | Cardiff A.P. | |
Honeybee Pathology (1991) 2nd ed | Bailey and Ball | Academic Press | |
In Search of the Best Strains of Bees (1983) | Br. Adam | NBB | |
Insect Pollination of Crops | J.B. Free | Academic Press | |
Insect Bites and Stings | HRC Riches | | |
Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crops | S. E. McGregor | USDA | |
Life of the Bumblebee | D.V. Alford | Poynter | |
Light Microscopy, an Illustrated Guide (1994) | R. Oldfield | Wolfe | |
MAFF Leaflets, Current bee disease leaflets, various | DEFRA/NAW | DEFRA/NAW | |
Medical Aspects of Beekeeping (2000) | Dr Harry Riches | HR Books | |
Microscopy for Beekeepers, Beekeeping in a nutshell No.69 | P. Jewell | NBB | |
National Honey Show Leaflets | Various | N.H.S. | |
Oil Seed Rape and Bees | Allan Calder | NBB | |
Pheromones of Social Bees (1987) | J.B. Free | Chapman & Hall |
Plants and Beekeeping (1979) | F.N. Howes | Faber |
Plants and Honey Bees Introduction to their relationships | David Aston and Sally Bucknall | |
Pollen Identification for Beekeepers | R. Sawyer Cardiff | A.P. | |
Pollen Loads of the Honeybee (1984) | D. Hodges | IBRA | |
Practical Beekeeping (1997) | Clive de Bruyn | Crowood Press | |
Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding (1997) | H. Laidlaw, R. Page | Wicwas Press | |
Reflections on Beekeeping | W.S. Robson | Northern Bee Books | |
Royal Microscopical Society Handbook No. 1 An Introduction to the Optical Microscope (1989) | RMS | OUP | |
Royal Microscopical Society Handbook No. 15 RMS Dictionary of Light Microscopy | RMS | OUP | |
Social Wasps | R Edwards | Rentokil Library | |
Solitary Bees and Wasps | C. W. Andrews | IBRA | |
Some Important Operations in Bee Management | T.S.K. M.P. Johansson | IBRA | |
Statutory procedures for controlling foul brood | DEFRA/NAW | DEFRA | |
Study notes (Various) | J.D. and B.D. Yates | BBNO | Has errors |
Swarm Control for the Beginner (Leaflet) | BBKA | | |
Swarming - Its Control and Prevention (1981) | L.E. Snelgrove | BBNO | |
Teach Yourself Microscopy | W.G. Hartley | English U.P. | |
The Biology of the Honey Bee (1987) | M. Winston | Harvard | |
The Hive and the Honeybee (1992) | J. Graham (Ed.) | Dadant | |
The Honey Bee (1988) | J.and C. Gould | Scientific American | |
The Humble Bee | Sladen | Logaston | |
The Observation Hive (1985) | K. Showler | BBNO | |
The Principles of Bee Improvement | Jo Widdicombe | Northern Bee Books | |
The Process of Queen/Worker Differentiation in the Honey Bee | Jarich J. Beetsma | IBRA | |
The Sacred Bee | Hilda M. Ransome | BBNO | |
The small hive beetle | DEFRA/NAW | | |
The Social Organisation of Honey Bees (1977) | J.B. Free | NBB | |
The Wisdom of the Hive (1995) | T. Seeley | Harvard University/Wiley | |
Trees and Shrubs Valuable to Bees | M.F. Fountain | IBRA | |
Varroa destructor: monitoring and forecasting | DEFRA | | |
World of the Honey Bee (1974) | C. Butler | Collins | |