A well-known design
The Canadian Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) originally introduced the OAC pollen trap in 1962. It was designed for the Langstroth hive, that is mainly used in Canada. It is available from a few appliance dealers, but many are home-made, where there have been many modifications by users, often to reflet available materials. It is well designed and easy to use, being placed on top of the floor (bottom board), that is reversed. The pollen is collected in a tray underneath, that allows the pollen to stay dry. The tray is removed from the back of the hive.
The button top left is a pdf that has a drawing of the OAC pollen trap and other items. The pollen trap can be found part way down the document. Unfortunately it isn't dimensioned well, but a reasonable carpenter should be able to make one. The pdf is courtesy of British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Roger Patterson.
Page created 10/12/2022