Gormanston Index
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Travel Possibilities for the FIBKA Gormanston Summer School

For those from outside Ireland there are several ferry and airport options. You should do your homework on the various ways of getting to the college, especially if your flight is late, so you can operate plan B if needed. Travel for a first timer may be a bit tricky, but the course organisers are brilliant and will help out if they can. My suggestion if you don't know anyone else who is going is to ask the organisers who else is booked from your area and likely to be on your flight. It's sometimes better if two get lost than one.

Gormanston College is some distance from the bus routes and station, but both are within walking distance for someone who is reasonably fit. There is a courtesy bus laid on by FIBKA from Dublin Airport, returning at the end of the course. The times should be checked with the course administration. This MUST be booked, otherwise they won't know you expect to be collected. The times and point of collection vary from year to year, so check. What normally happens is a couple of beekeepers recognise each other, then someone else recognises one of them......... a group soon forms. 

The cost of a taxi is something most only pay once. If your flight is early or delayed and you have to travel by bus then ask to be dropped off at "The Huntsman".

The courtesy bus gets you there in time to have the evening meal, but usually it is a rush. Don't go for a shower first otherwise you will be clean and hungry.

Roger Patterson