The drawings are intended to impart the maximum information to the viewer. Originally I thought that this objective was best achieved by producing orthogonal views as per standard drawing office practice, but the internet is a place where many are unable to read or understand the drawings that a draughtsman produces and so I have modified my techniques to give a more pictorial presentation.
Generally the drawings are in 3rd angle (American) projection, but many of them are isometric or oblique projections, and may not adhere, in many other respects, to standard drawing practices. Particularly, I have used colour and shading instead of pure line drawings. I hope that they are easy to understand... (They are certainly prettier), but if you are confused by anything you see on these pages... You will find an Email button in the strap at the page bottom and I will attempt to enlighten your confusion by that method.
The graphics that I have generated are coarse and in some ways childish, but this is deliberate as they will load more quickly. They also employ strong colours and contrasts and again this is deliberate, and is intended to help those whose vision is less than perfect.