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Bee Breeding and Improvement Websites

A list of useful websites

This page has been created as a list of worldwide groups and organisations that specialise in honey bee breeding and improvement. It is intended to be an opportunity for bee breeders to be able to contact others with a like mind to help in selecting, culling and propagating queens. It might also help the individual to make contact with organisations in their area.

I have very strong views that bees should be well suited and adapted to their environment, preferably those that have evolved in that area, rather than been imported from elsewhere. I fully understand there are many parts of the world where Apis mellifera are not an indigenous species, so beekeepers have had to rely on imports. I have no problem with that at all.

I encourage all beekeepers to try to improve what they already have in their area if possible. Unless for a specific purpose I see little benefit in parachuting queens in from some distance away. In my experience in the U.K. they are often unsuited to the locality and the cause of bad temper, especially in subsequent generations where F2 aggression can be a problem, as is often seen with hybrids.

at the moment the list is small and not in any particular order. Until there are more entries, when I can get it better organised please be patient. If you know of any bee breeding or improvement organisations that merit inclusion here, please Email me.

Roger Patterson.



Native Irish Honey Bee Society (NIHBS)

Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders Association (BIBBA)