515 mm Wingspan Plans
1,030 mm Wingspan Plans
2,060 mm Wingspan Plans
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Globe Swift Plans

Building plans for the rubber powered free flight models of the globe swift, made by the stick and tissue method using balsa wood.

These plans are not direct reproductions of the originals, but have been redrawn by myself. The redrawing may or may not cause a shift in balance, I am building a model based on the plans myself and I will record here any problems or tweaks.

I hope to include some larger plans later, these will not be scaled up drawings, but will be designed from scratch using the same principles of construction. It is hoped that the larger versions will fly slower and for longer duration as they should be more efficient.

The model aircraft plans are not worked on very often due to other web commitments. I apologise to those that are impatient.

There is an old page on this server it's filename being dacswifttail.html, this file was incorrectly scaled and although it claims to be suitable for a 515 mm model, it is not. I appologise for the error which has been in place for several years, the page still exists although it now states that it has been superseded... You can view it on this link.

 Written... April 2001, Revised... 27 August 2001, Revised... 03 June 2002, New Domain... 03 November 2003, Upgraded... 16 May 2007, Revised... 28 May 2007,
Source Code last updated... 12/17/2014 16:09:52
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